Friday 25 November 2016

Effective Tips to Get Your Baby to Sleep

How do I get my baby to sleep at night? What does it mean for my baby to sleep through the night? Spending the night means that a baby sleeps for 6 hours in a row, or more, something that the parents are going to appreciate and enjoy.

In the first two or three months, even more so in some children, babies will have their own rhythm of rest and wakefulness. You can gradually teach the baby some tricks to help in transition to a healthy and pleasant dream. Here I present the most common and effective ways to teach you to sleep your little angel.

Distinguish between Day and Night

The babies should be taught how to differentiate the day from the night. A good tip is that when your little one sleeps in daytime, do not isolate and have the curtains open, leave the doors open and do not worry about the normal noise of the house. At night, turn off the lights, turn down the volume of your voice and the environment. It creates a calm and cozy atmosphere.

Create a Routine for Going to Bed

When bedtime for night starts, create a constant routine i.e. calm your baby for one or two hours before bedtime and play something quiet with him/her. You can bathe, massage, put on his/her pajamas, read a story, lower the lights, or turn them off completely, and sing a song to his/her to sleep. Routine marks yourself and you can create your own rituals, the important thing is to be consistent, and to do more or less the same day after day, so the baby knows what to expect.

Distinguishing between Waking and Sleep

Follow the signs of your child; if you see his/her scratching eyes, yawning more than three times or too restless and exhausted, do not hesitate to take to bed. This way your child will begin to associate these signals with the fact of being sleepy.

Teach the Baby to Sleep Alone

When you are in the room with your baby, put it in your bed and drag or comfort it while you go to sleep, barely see that you turn off your eyes, kiss him good night and jump out of the room. The important thing is that you leave when you see your baby is sleepy, but not completely asleep. You can go here for more info in this regard.